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All fathers are mortal. Your father’s death was a punishment, wasn’t it? Was it not? It was not. How would you know? Maybe it was, and if it is so? “Do not say that! Do not!” – It is him. Then the woman will say; “I’m a woman, I am loved. He owes me his existence, for by virtue of me, he is what he came to become. I will not have anyone deprive me of what I have created. You have already been punished, wasn’t it a lesson for you? Remember your father’s death!” She would say that, why would she not? She is a woman who has been through lots of suffering. Wouldn’t you say the same if you were her?
When did your father die? Why? Are all fathers mortal? The woman is convinced that her father is powerful and will never abandon her. She is confident of her innocence; she will never bear the punishment. Like an unwanted cloth she throws the truth at your face “You are accusing me since the guilty always look for accomplices, but in fact you are the only one to blame!” The woman has a strong conviction that she is loved. Do not be ridiculous; do not even mention that you have raised your eyes with supplication: “If only you came earlier!” Do not even think of justifying yourself. Not a picture nor a document or an extract of a photograph will save you, even if you point out how he turned to his side in low spirits and pretended dead while ejaculating. You know you are leaving the world and you admonish yourself “take it as though you were joining the majority!” The lid of your head has cracked and is about to divide. You walk back and forth mumbling. Spit it out! Make a big one! And now swallow your tears! Nobody has forced you push hard on your imagination or take your dreams for the reality. Now face it!
You are rebelling like a teenager making a fool of us as if it were real indeed, here you go, “…I have a strange feeling, I do not know, I guess I am exhausted…I feel your energy quite well, I cannot but feel it, I know that you understand, it is better to spear the words, I don’t know, there are things I would not care to know about …now…stay well…kisses.” Remembrance is a self-deception. Hide the sorrow in your eyes underneath your eyelids, close them tightly! You are neither the first nor the last. You will not die, and even if you do, it won’t matter, a year more, a year less, who cares? Now listen to me. “You feel as if you were leaving the world, don’t you, do you feel that? Go for it! Come on, go! Go, go! Do not look back! Beware of statues! You have no choice!”
You chase the time crawling on all fours, and when your eyes become hazy in pain, your ears give alarm.
“If only you came earlier,” casting the bait.
“What difference does it make?” you give a distant look over the horizon.
“Something would change,” clutching at straws.
“Nothing would have changed,” you stab the knife into your throat.
You are right! This is an auditory hallucination of a dying person; nobody uttered it, neither heard nor will remember.
You keep blinking tongue-tied. Is folly inborn or acquired? Why do empty months turn into a suffocating jungle when amidst the clamor of Emails someone whispers “If only you would have sent me a blank message to hint you were there.” Hopeless, you are chewing your bland bite.
The screen of mobile phone glows and fades out: “You are a man. Take your steps without measuring. We are leaving. There is always a way out. Do not ask me now; I do not know what, where, when, but once we get there, we will find it. Find what? The way out, I mean. Walk! Complaining won’t help. There is a rope, isn’t there? A tight rope but you will not dare to take a step. Just balance yourself by spreading out your arms and…you should know better that I will make a poor tightrope walker. You don’t even realize how suddenly you can find yourself in a dreamlike state, and when you have already crossed half of the way turning back is more dangerous ….no, no, no! I wanted to say the fall would be as painful as …. Ah, what a nonsense. My arms got numb. Do not be so humble, do not be hard on yourself, your obedience kills me, play a rascal a little, like in those days when I was breaking my back, damn it! I am not sure what I want, what I am talking about…! Egg on my face! What a shame!” Delete the thing you have written! Well done!
His problem is solvable, I bet, once he wants your message to disappear, you know what he should do, he should select the “delete” command in the phone… and…that’s it! If nothing changes, let him buy a new number, or keep it locked, if it won’t help, let him smash the phone into the wall, throw it into the water, and finally let the message be undeliverable. See, as easy as a pie. Then, I know you well, you will get lazy and quit, you will not send your message, you may not even write it! His problem can be solved. Who can force you? Let him bury unborn tears in the pupil and plant a splinter on it to commemorate its being cut from the root. Let him be assured that his whisper “we have got to a very nice place, let it last forever” has gone with the wind to uninhibited mountains where all traces vanish. Naught. Nothing. Nothingness.
Oh! But you are in a big trouble. You have carefully learnt by heart all the unwritten messages. If you have the guts than scrape your memory card! Try to scrape it, do it, a little bit more … You knew better that the unwritten messages last longer. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone dies their own way. You have not signed a contract to be sued when breaking it. It is just a wretched memory card; it’s either heads – keep the written record of your memory, or tails – you can always get rid of all. And thus your case will be closed.
Now it’s my turn. Mine is a different story. I am dying as well. But our deaths won’t compare. I will tell you. Shall I? No, I’d better play the recording, listen! No, no, he will not get upset, he is used to this, he knows better that we are short-witted, we think the best way of winning him over is by making friends with him, having an open conversation with him, yeah, yeah, we do think so– are even convinced that by setting an example for millions– we will be saved– what from? From this damned hell of course! –Hush! Listen –
“Now tell me, if I break with you, what is my punishment? I’m a human being, aren’t I? In contrast to you, I’m human, a cautious one, I want to know in advance what comes to my head. Will you throw me down the sixteenth floor of the building across the street and dump me into the fresh asphalt? Are you going to take me by the throat so tightly as to leave me with my broken dreams? Or will you dig a hole six feet deep and bury me alive in there? I tell you, it’s your choice. I do not have any preferences. You brought me into this world against my will; now take the trouble to take me away. You know, to be honest, I have made such good friends with you that I cannot imagine spending a moment without you. Do you get it? Whether it is good or not, it’s up to you, all I care, I have found you and cannot live without you. But who demands anything from you? Or what will you lose if you stay by my side? I have not asked you for either food or a shelter or for a child. All I want is you; put your hand on my head, yes! Yes! On my head, no! No! Not on the breasts, the time is gone, when my breasts were firm strong with protruding nipples… when I was young, oh! I have gone too far again, my age is to blame, this will pass as well.
Well, let me tell you a scandalous incident, but promise me that you will drop your old habits of hushing me before I open my mouth, only because you have guessed the ending. Do you give me your word? You are not the type that gives promises, I have forgotten this. You know, we have grown into such buddies that to me the line between the Lord and the servant has vanished entirely don’t you agree? Punishment, again? Do whatever your heart pleases, I will not waste my time with you, but wait, I beg you, listen to this one, and then you may go…So, once at night... please, do not interrupt, not every night, only that very night… Oh come on! Behave yourself, like a Lord…. just make yourself cozy and comfortable and listen, that’s all.
So, once at night I was having hard time sleeping. Oh, well! It seems you are impatient, are you, again? They say you have patience of a saint, but I am not sure, there must be someone who heard a rumor, or some lunatic ascribed you qualities that he wished he had. Things always work this way, huh? Being a Lord means being far better than us. When they throw stones at Him, he collects those, puts them aside and then summons you one day to say “those are the stones you once threw, now carry them away and make a space for others to throw theirs, you are not the only one, are you?” Everyone has the right to throw stones, but only few keep in their minds the responsibility of collecting those, and the Lord is there for this very thing, to remind us about all that has been forgotten…otherwise who would call you Lord, eh? Are you upset? Well, don’t be, here is the story, listen!
So, the night when I was suffering from insomnia, I thought to myself I should get out of bed, fetch a glass of ice-cold tap water to calm me down, get into my bed, close my eyes and start counting sheep… “Yes, sheep, I will count your lambs as well, mix them, who cares to see dreams?” Hell with this faucet, I was turning it on and off, not a single drop. Empty-handed and disillusioned I went back to bed quenching …Shall I tell you this part? Or are you going to punish me again? Well, if you want to punish me then go for it, I have started telling you the story and I am ready to carry the punishment. I know there will be one; I won’t even flirt with you. So, I went to bed and something full, huge, with wet…walls …wait I’ll swallow, as I remember my mouth gets dry… so, there was this big wet glass, filled with ice-cold water propped to my lips. I am telling you. You should have seen me drinking that thing, oh my, I was gulping it down, the more I drank the more full it got, the more I drank, the sweeter it got, and funny thing is, the more I drank, the more thirsty I grew. I am telling you, why are you laughing? Didn’t it happen to you? Did it? If it did, you will get me right. Ah come on, bear with me, please! All right, I’ll keep it short. The scandal? Well, the scandal is that when I gazed to see who was giving me that ice-cold water, who do you think I saw? You! Yeah, yeah, you! Isn’t it a scandal? It is a scandal, nothing but a scandal. I wonder what were you up to under my blanket at night?! You say, you knew I was thirsty? That’s why you gave me the water? Then why on earth did you let me go to the water tap and return thirsty? And when you saw me desperately counting the sheep you pressed that glass upon me? What about mixing your lambs with my sheep? Huh, you are bargaining; you do not give anything until you get something in return. No, I am not quarrelling, I am telling the way it all happened… You had a hand in that other story as well, didn’t you? You push and pull those miserable people, bring them together and save your…skin. As if saying; “I have done my part and now you make a heads or tails of this tangled knot.” Am I not right? You stand alert: once they stumble, you bring the hell down on them.
Now tell me, will you, please? Whisper into my ear, lest someone hears. Why did you put the gun to the neck of that poor damned mortal forcing him to move to the south and then turn west, stop, open up his eyes and look! Look his eyes wide-open and marvel. Then you say - that‘s enough! Now get away and spit into the direction of the vanishing road. Wasn’t it you who was holding the gun? Who else was there but you? Aha! And the one, who was waiting at the end of the road, wasn’t he your messenger? You see? What a Lord are you, if anything can happen on the roads. Am I wrong? You ARE the path? Pooh! Well, I know you want to confuse me, but I did not expect you would conceal your cards. I must behave as if I were dying? Must I shut up? Must I not mention that your path is way too expensive? Moreover, your plunderers jointly swarm in broad daylight as if watching over the lonely, for them not to be tempted, not to be looted, and not to be butchered. They do what they please and then report to you whispering into your ear: “Punish them! Punish those lonely ones, we saw how this one lay with another, how that one lived lavishly and did not save his riches for a stranger, and how the other who was slaughtered, martyred not in your name. Punish them!” I am telling exactly how it happened. Exactly like the one who is leaving this world.
This was it. Punish me! Punish me for your plunderers to rejoice. “Did you not have enough of punishment …?” Are you trying to console me? Oh, father. “All fathers……”
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