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“Do you want…? Who doesn’t? And why shouldn’t one want…?” If I am not mistaken, that was how the story began. I do not remember the rest, but you were not there at the end, that is, you were there, but not with me and not for me. Before that, I had some hope that you would wish a little more than….well, more than you were wanting. Hardly a few days had passed, when you threw at my face these words, “I do not want any more, a little, sweet girl in Tsaghkadzor[1]… you are too late.”
I ran to my drawers to find a few lines of my faded, unfinished handwritten notes, but there was not a single track. It was as if those had vanished, even though I had written almost a whole novel. I had slept and waken up with you, given you to the others and then taken you from them, gone to hell and back for you, waited in your doorway humbly for you to bring the stars to earth for me.
“Tell me, what should I do for you? Do you want me to pop the balloons hanging on the wall and spoil everyone’s holiday?” I think there was also such Nero-inspired passage in that old story, but I could not find even a torn bit of it in my papers. I keep every kind of trivial thing, but the important things - those I have destroyed in the midst of a rage. One day while coming downstairs from the attic with your new lover, you looked satisfied with love.
“How are you? Your sweetheart is crazy about you.” Both I and you knew that love was given first to the hungry as food. We were satisfied with the fact of loving others side by side. From time to time you would get mad, make weak and unsuccessful attempts, but the greatest masterpiece was your confession:
“There is nothing easier than being a mistress. Being a friend is difficult, you’re my…”
“Your hand went into the sleeve of my coat, chained my wrist, and the warmth of your fingers awakened me as if I had been sleeping for thousands of years. I groaned shamelessly—give me your hand and let me take it home with me. I will wash it every day several times with soap, cover it with aromatic ointments, massage it and caress so much that it will become like a museum relic.” I remember it vaguely, but in one of the passages of my story there was such a sadistic desire.
Damn it! What did those papers do to you, why did you tear those, and--even worse--flicked the lighter on, burned those to ashes, and then poured several buckets of water for no traces to be left? Was nothing left?
“When you saw the snow-white knee-high boots in the store window, you stood with your mouth open, and when you learned the price (it was after we changed the currency from Soviet money), you raised your eyebrows and whispered into my ear: “My wife got the same kind of boots as a present. Maybe I should go and tell her to take them to this shop and sell them. We can live for a month on that money!”
While the saleswoman thought that … and said, “A very smart choice. Without a doubt, it will fit you well! The curve of your foot and shin is very elegant, as if it were created just for these boots.”
You looked puzzled back and forth, from my feet to the snow-white boots on display in the store window.
Here, see, I even remembered this episode, though I had thought that inundating the ashes with water had erased everything. It is I who erases or remembers. Only one thing is left for you: to write episodes of this new story yourself. Otherwise there is a danger that I will repeat the story and get in trouble because of what I have created. When nothing was left from the former story neither for me nor possibly for you, you stated bluntly:
“We lost so many years in vain, I am to be blamed for that”- what else could you suggest? I saw clearly the headline of the new story.
This episode cannot be found either in the old story or in the new one, but maybe you were making sketches to put them in an appropriate place later. You knew beforehand that this new story would not be one that I would write. I want to be two characters this time – both the actor and the audience, and I will let you be the author. Let's see what will become of it.
“You are making mistakes one after another. Where will it lead to?” I thought you purred.
I pulled myself together: this was your first episode of the new story.
“I am head over heels in love, do not be inspired.” This was my first mistake.
“Hasn't yesterday's flower faded?” Here was the second one, as if you were telling me that it should have faded.
I thought to myself, if you want the flower to fade, it will. I have survived situations much harder than this.
“Do something that will free me from your presence.” This was my next mistake.
“Let's go. I will rape you, is that what you want? Or is it not a bad thing?” Another impressive episode…
Who won’t agree that the psychology of the beggar takes root in loveless areas to scorch and devastate a lush lawn?
I am not going to write anything this time, but will sit down with my arms folded and wait. You are the author; I am only the one who makes mistakes.
“Don't you have hand lotion? Hand lotion gives me erotic pleasure.”
I already thought that you managed...without me. “Finally I had a good sleep last night,” you said, and my heart sank.
Several days later I gave you hand lotion. This was another mistake.
Amazonians would be jealous of the unleashed freedom that is born from the fear of losing you.
“Haven't you been in these places? Tell me, haven't you been here?” There is a poorly-disguised irony in your voice hinting at - I know you have, but without me. It is a good episode, mixed with jealousy and revenge.
I am dying of the desire to touch your fingers. I am leaving silently without uttering a word. I have lost the count of my mistakes.
“It has barely been an hour or two, but I managed to miss you,” I say.
“Marry me, too, a little bit,” you respond.
“Enter the sanctuary,” I say with my prayer in mind, “Come through this door.”
“If I did not come now, then is it the end?” Do I invent this, or are you really in despair?
“Do not disappear.” I am going crazy.
“Keep the ruins in your soul.” You grin.
My hands stretch to you and do not reach you.
“Let it go!” surprisingly it’s you.
“Get out of my sight! Leave me alone!” I say in your new episode.
The taxi bears the torrent of my tears. Finally the story ends.
“Hello,” you say. What a plot!
“Hello,” I respond. Oh, not again, I made another mistake!
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