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The grace of the Lord has touched her twice, blessed her abundantly with success and now left her alone to face it: “If you have guts find your own way out!”
Some ten people’s hopes and aspirations were raised up in her and, later on, she washed her hands and stepped aside. “I’ve endowed you with graceful senses and abilities, and endowed other with luck. If you want, I can change the places,” God said.
She listened nervously and, moved by these words, frowned a bit. She made up her mind, “Hell with it! We live just once? I’ll take it,” she said.
“But do not call me. I will have my hands full. You see, there are all sorts of homeless, wretched, and hopeless people in the world. Even if I hear your voice or see your candle lit in church, until I get there, it will be too late. The damage will be done. I’m warning you of this so that you do not complain later on, saying  - God is not righteous. Are you sure you don't want me to switch the places?” God said.
She took some alcohol, called out names, and sobbed her heart out for a while, then said, “You are unable to extend a hand to those who need you, anyway. You know better than I. What can I do? My hands are tied. Let it be the way You want. That is the way the cookie crumbles. Whether I agree or not, it will be like this.”
Bewailed, she took the pain. There was no shortage of it.
When the boss said, “Translate this, I’ll pay good money,” she opened her eyes wide and said, “Is it possible that such an amazing thing happened to me?”
She shuffled through the papers, smelled them, sticking the tip of her nose into the ink cartridge and was assured that the Constitutional Court officer was not pulling the wool over her eyes. In the European Court archives, there was a striking case of an individual struggling against the powerful machinery of state. He was not only fighting, but winning. “M” was suing the Government, asking Switzerland to stop poking its nose into his private life and… he won the case. She would never have believed it if so-and-so told her. She would say, “Don’t tell me tales. Save them for your kids at bedtime. I do not believe in miracle.”
She was translating the documents that were to set an example for her people, showing that in a democratic country everything is done for the people’s benefit, even the Government’s homeland security phone tapping. If it was not written on blank paper in black ink that even in the civilized Switzerland someone’s private life, relations, and secrets are revealed to whoever,  even if God endowed her with prudence, it would have never occurred to her that people are cruel to one another. Democratic Beasts.
She was translating and murmuring, “You see? You remembered me, too. You were asking me to give up, hopeless, telling me, ‘You have nothing to do with me.’ I didn’t ask You for anything. You placed the documents into my hands to translate. I’m not calling on You. You are the one who keeps watching over me. I already knew that. Don’t play Your games with me. You hear all the plaintive voices crying out to You. You are the greatest eavesdropper.
She was translating and thinking of very simple things: love, happiness, dignity, and loyalty. Though they had promised to pay her good money for the translation, she forgot about it and set her heart on the idea that this money would fix everything. She wished she could forget about the pressing issue of money once and for all and could enjoy her being in charge, in charge of the situation. She had not managed to become corrupted so much as to tap innocent phone conversations, the leaking of which would cost the Swiss Government millions.
In Yerevan, the capital city of Armenia, it was the first spring of the 21st century. As she was doing translation, she was heeding the pleasant noises outside, the rustling of the bare trees in the light breeze, the birds chattering beak-to-beak, the buds blossoming, and the victory celebration of the hopeful football players in the yard. Her other ear waited patiently for the phone to ring. If it did not ring, she would curse it smash it until it broke to pieces. But if it rang…ah, who gets the hang of this? Is the collapse a salvation? Or is salvation on its own more devastating?
The phone rang shrilly, like an alarm bell. Paper, pen, chair…all rolled down to her feet. Her legs got entangled. Everything was topsy-turvy, but somehow she snatched the phone. Was it her ears buzzing? Or the emerging telecom company “Armentel,” made Switzerland so close as to seam it with the   picturesque morning of Ararat valley?
“How can spring bring so much pain to a human being?”
 Whatever, even the buzz gave hope. Indeed, someone was talking on the other end of the line “Dad, hold on! I’m on my way.” She lost her head, “What a misfortune! Why did those uncontrolled lines mess up? Who knows what has happened to that girl’s father…”
“Hello, Hello! Speak up a bit, I can’t hear you…Armo? The debts are driving me to the verge of death, brother! Try to put an end to this…listen up… Damn it…Don’t make me open my mouth. In ten minutes have the papers singed and bring them to our house…Varia? How did you hook up that old wretch? Couldn’t you get a young man, girl? ... He refuses to give me a satisfactory grade, so I cannot pass the exam, Vrdo. How should I know, they say only money talks with him… Hey, if I get fired, they will send me down to the Army, and then my mom will go nuts… Luys, Lousin, come on! Drop by for half an hour for coffee. I swear I won’t harass you. Please, will you?” The line got cut off – toot-toot… Hello? Yeah? Yeah? Since yesterday, I don’t have any electricity. I haven’t paid the bill. They shut off the power. I’m about to throw myself from the Kievyan Bridge and end it all…He was killed? Oh, no! Who could do that? He used to wander about carrying a gun in his pocket. If they killed him, they will kill us, too… Robo? Buddy, I’m selling my wife’s jewelry, selling them dirt-cheap. Take them! I must save my butt from that cop…What’s the matter? Why are you making all that fuss? Such things happen. Yerevan was not built in one day… How much? Hey, come on! You’re killing me! Does it take all that money to pay for a coffin? Upon my word! …” Once again the line gets cut off. What the f… I can’t hear anything… Valod? The dollar exchange rate has picked. You are damn broke!  Hey Chubby, you won’t be able to pay the interest event if you sell your house! You’ll never be able to do it… The house has been broken into. The wall paintings alone were worth half a million, didn’t you know?… She’s a virgin! Are you kidding me? She slept with almost anyone? He’ll be lucky if he doesn’t catch something…You know that guy Gvo, who lives in our district? He served in the Army two years wearing slippers! Call it a Military Service. I agree he’s a good guy… Hayko! Can I come by and you help me out with my research paper?… You think it’s only you? The long line of those who want to throw themselves from the Kievyan Bridge stretches to the bottom of Mount Ararat … He has killed so many people! A murderer’s end is death, some people must be content … Keep your wife’s jewelry for a rainy day. I’ll ask my uncle to use his high position to shut them up. That cop will beg for mercy… Don’t hang up! Let me check it out. My phone will show whether they are tapping your conversation or not. Oh my God! We are in a deep shit! They are spying on us, but who cares what I say?… He’s built a colossal palace, so now he pesters us for taxes to furnish it… Nowadays living is much cheaper than dying. Moso’s father has privatized the graveyards. By burying dead after dead in the same tomb, he bought his son a Limousine … Sell whatever you have, and go to America. There is no other way out. Unless you pay back all the money, Dvo will strip your skin off if he gets you… If I’m not mistaken, his grandpa painted those paintings in Artsakh, but his art was not appreciated here. In 1970, he left his wife and son and fled to France… About two years ago, she used to nag Arto to marry her, saying her father would give him a new car. What a lie! Her father is not even a deputy; he’s a deputy’s chauffeur… They sent my brother to check their Military Department, and that Gvo who appeared in my brother’s way said he wouldn’t let him come in until he took off his boots and put on slippers, all wore slippers there… If I pass the test, you can ask for a kiss, Hayko! I have another precondition. In the presence of that four-eyed girl you are to carry me in your hands and take me to the third floor, a deal, Hayko?... Ani jan[1]! Tell your mom, your grandpa refuses to take food. Let her come this very day to the nursing home to do something, otherwise he won’t last long…Citizen Danielyan, your papers are ready. You have been allowed to migrate to America. We wish you good luck and prosperity. Here you are!... (Singing is heard in the receiver) “To whom shall I present my carnations?…”
At the last possible moment, the rabis[2] singer Bghdo, slipped from the Armenian national radio, when singing on the air, and fell into the circulation of the secretly overheard conversations, and the nightmare ended in the wreath of faded carnations. May your dead rest in peace, Bghdo! How would the Armenian flower sellers sell the withered carnations in this new Armenian culture without you? Like the Chubby, they would be broke and would have to sell their last shirt to save themselves from the jaws of debt.        
The translation was finished. The translator was generously paid for passing on the wisdom of European Court experience to the Armenian “gikors[3]". But nothing special changed in her life, except for the experience of accidentally overhearing the phone conversations. That unpleasant incident perplexed her a bit; she lost hope, so she hired a psychiatrist to give it back to her. But that phone call, for which she waited for a long time, fortunately never came. Otherwise it would have turned the phone nightmare into a real one…
“Who knows? … God’s acts are unpredictable, aren’t they? He does not lead until he overhears."
“You see, once again you called me, while you were bragging you won’t do that.”
“You ordered me not to call you, saying You don’t have time for me.”
“Then you haven’t learned anything from the messy phone conversations. Those who do not call Me…”
“I know, I learned that lesson well, You are the biggest spy.  But unlike the Democratic Government of Switzerland, which spends millions for spying on the phone calls of ordinary people, You, by listening to millions of people’s calls, are setting your soul free only by putting your head under the cross.”
The phone connection broke off abruptly.
“Toot, toot…You are the judge, is Your judgment righteous? … In the case of Switzerland there are still ways to mitigate the punishment, but if it gets to Your measure of penalty, how would you mitigate it? But in the ordeal of carrying the punishment You do not have an equal...”
The information of the Lord’s last phone call with the translator was recorded and reported by a secret agent of Government Security from the Republic of Armenia, the same ordinary citizen “M” who won the case against Switzerland's Government and who migrated from the motherland years ago.
The translator’s jaw dropped.  Abruptly, the hot line went dead.


[1] “Jan” is a Persian word meaning “soul”, often used in Armenian as “honey, sweetheart, and dear”.
[2] A type of music that mixes “mugham” and oriental tunes with the elements of folk, usually in a tasteless way.
[3] Gikor is a character in “Gikor” – a story by Hovhannes Tumanyan, great Armenian writer (1969-1924). Gikor is an illiterate boy who being escalated by a tradesman became a victim of the cruel reality of the city Tiflis at the beginning of the 20th century. Here it symbolizes someone naïve and illiterate.      

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